Websites and Strategic Advice
For individuals, start-ups and SMEs
It's always exciting to be at the very beginning of a business journey. We often work with people who have not had a recognisable brand or website before and need their hands held through the process.
We will help you plan and think strategically. We start by listening carefully to ensure that we understand your business and ambitions. We then identify key messages and outline your story to develop written content that is clear and consistent. We can also design or refresh your visual identity and branding. We make sure that all the elements are in place for both print and digital. The simple websites we build can either be maintained and updated by us as required - or we can empower you to do this yourself.

Consultant Cardiologist
Website and Content Development
Senior consultant cardiologist, Professor Rakhit needed a website to facilitate his private practice. As well as providing practical information for new and existing patients, the site also needed to contain information about his teaching and on-going research. After our initial design, build and testing, we gave him a short training session so that he can now update his site himself whenever he needs to.
I knew I could leave it to Emanuel Leggo to deliver and once again they were on time and on budget. They’ve done a super job – just what I needed - really pleased.

Website and Social Media Guidance
John Hudson creates beautiful paintings. We advised him on the production of limited edition giclée prints, designed his website and set him up with his social media channels. He is the first to admit that the digital world was new to him - we aimed to hold his hand and empower him.
I thought I could do this myself - but I couldn't - it's not easy! You've been so helpful - thank you for sorting this all out for me - really pleased.

Wellbeing Practitioner
Branding, Website and Marketing
Wellbeing practitioner, Corinna Kitchen was keen to promote her new business. We helped her focus her offering and develop a consistent look and feel to her brand that we applied to both printed and digital marketing channels including a website, leaflets and social media.
Working with Anouk and Andrew was such a pleasure – they offered me all sorts of essential insights and we had such fun. I feel that I am armed and ready to market my business and that the material we’ve produced is flexible enough to grow with me. And it didn’t break the bank. Thank you!

Independent Publisher
We worked closely with the publishers of a fascinating book about an extraordinary woman. They wanted a website that offered a taster of the book and crucially provided a platform to promote its sale,
We advised on content and image selection, created new assets and built a simple website ready for the launch.
You captured exactly what we wanted to show about Marta. Delighted with the result - you got it just right. Thank you!

Medical Information Service
App Design Advice
Right at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic we were approached by an NHS consultant to advise on the development of an easy-to-use app that was being built to communicate reliable corona virus information to the carers on the front line.
We helped with the look and feel, the content management and navigation.
You have both really, really helped me, with a vision. Thank you!

Medical Education Company
Website and Branding
Active Image Roleplay trains and supplies actors for specialised role playing in Psychiatric medical teaching and training. The existing website was old fashioned. We started with a clean sheet, revamped the graphic identity, colours and general look and feel and then applied the branding to a simple website, new business cards and stationery. See more.
I had such a fun couple of days with Anouk and Andrew – and they were so efficient; I arrived with nothing but the content and before I knew it I had a logo and the website was taking shape. Their attention to detail was fantastic – I’m absolutely delighted with what they did for me.

Wedding Planner
Website and Branding
The owner of this multi-award winning team of wedding planners wanted a beautiful and evocative website that could help sell every bride's dream of a french wedding. She needed a website and visual identity that was instantly recognisable. What could be more french than the Citroën 2CV we included in the header image...a really lovely excuse for us to design something romantic!
I love it - this is so good - exactly what I hoped for.

Technology Transfer Consultant
This well-established consultant wanted a simple and immediate presence on the web. The website covers the services offered, case studies, client appraisals, short biography, and a contact form. A simple solution delivered efficiently and economically.
It was a delight to work with you. You quickly got to the essence of my business. Constructive and intelligent, you translated it effectively into a compact and efficient website. Many thanks.

Health Information Service
Strategic Advice
Consultant Nephrologist, Dr Andy Stein leads a group of colleagues developing a web-based service to help the general public navigate their way around the NHS. We helped with practical advice on content and strategy.
Anouk and Andrew were intrinsically involved in the strategic thinking behind our new website...their help was invaluable.

Luxury Property
When it came to selling our home in France, we built a dedicated website to showcase the property. The site made full use of our photographic and copywriting skills and included an interactive floor plan that guided visitors around. Selling abroad to an international market, we built the site to provide exactly what we needed to market the property independently of estate agents - in both English and French.
Beautiful, really impressive ... Now I just need to win the lottery!

Musician and Songwriter
Saul Damelyn, a singer songwriter was just adding the final touches to his debut album. With a small budget and time against him, he asked us to put together a simple website that would be easy for him to update. We took his album cover art as a starting point and designed a website that facilitated easy access to his SoundCloud account, lyric sheets. and his social media.
Great work...